Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Beautiful Night

Some nights are beautiful..
They almost drown you
In your own memories..
From past to present..
From silence to words..
Joy flows down the veins
Some nights are beautiful..
Time pauses to breathe
Pulses synchronize ..
Heart beats together..
Two souls, live together..
Diverse they are..
Like the notes of music..
But absolutely in harmony
They are, together
Like a symphony..
Eyes closes... night ends...
Morning washes off the dream..
Yet that which remains
Residue of few words..
Fall like crumbs..
Waiting to be gathered again..
Waiting again, for another night..
Some nights are truly beautiful..


Saturday, 19 December 2015

Lost Senses

Sip after sip
My pulse slip
Away from me..
Slowly I move 
From out to in
My own-self..
Only to reveal
My emptiness
To myself.. !
Sparking wine
Hijacks me
From myself
And places me
Far away
Near you ..
Distance erases
And within
Closed eyelids
My love
Breathes ..
But for moments
Till I regain
My lost senses !


Friday, 18 December 2015


A soft kiss 
On my trembling lips
That you planted once
Had sunk into my skin
Reached the soul..
It is still living there..!
I often dig it out..
Brush it with my palm..
And again keep it within..
That soft kiss..
Flutters its wings 
Like a restless butterfly..
Wants to reach you..
And plant itself 
On your lips..
Your kiss, wants to return
To you..
Come, and collect it..
I kept it safe... 
Deep within my soul!


Thursday, 17 December 2015

Existing, Yet Existing Not !

Rising sun, melts into the sea
Scarlet turns the water expanse
As if, almost, blushing like me !
I tread alone upon the morning shore
Sand wrapped around my bare feet
A world that I had kept hidden
Far away, now wants to unveil
My world moves towards you
My world instigates !
Beyond the crimson horizon
Somewhere in the end of this extent
A piece of sun begs to rise
But has lost its hue in the foggy element.. !
I keep on waking, towards the sea..
Waves rushes in... one falls upon me
And washes me of my everything ...
I no more remain a I..
My heart too is astray..
Now that I walk back, 
From nowhere to nowhere
I feel.. life's debt I got to repay !
So I send you a picture..
A far off earth enveloped in gold..
My soul's casket empty to the core..
Nothing it is that I hold !
Empty I went, emptier I rebound
Nothing lost... nothing found...
Shore gave me sand... 
Waves washed them off..
I, but, like my love.. 
Existing, yet existing not !



I need your soul
To cling into my body
And fill me with life..

I need your eyes
On my cold face
To see the sun shine..

I need your touch
On my bare skin
To keep me alive..

I need your words
To be poured in my ears
And fill me with music..

I need you, to be me
And your breaths I need
To continue with life !


Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Winter Evening

Winter evening darkens
Behind my closed window..
My words translates my silence
The day that I have left behind
Doing nothing, idle... almost gone
Shall be kept archived in my heart..
A day.. immersed in thoughts
A day.. that I loved you without reason..
That shall remain, day shall end..
Yet night shall have its own advent 
And in the darkness, I shall wait
For your voice.. to give a call..
And then together, we shall
Save the glory of the gone day
And hold together, this passionate night !


Monday, 14 December 2015

Love Story

Tireless waves lashes the shore
Breaks only to again restore
Neither the tide gives up
Nor does the sea
Endless efforts of
An eternal love-story !


Monday, 30 November 2015


Morning's first breeze
Whispers as if
Beware winter is slowly
Setting in..!
Drab cold winter evening
Sans all the needed warmth..
Searches within its own breath
The solace of life, 
And the purpose of love !
Chill in the air
Smoke as I yawn
Wrapped in a blanket
My heart sleeps in yours..
While soul yearns for a walk
In the dew filled lawn...!
As I pour my dawn coffee
Or sit alone with my 
Evening book
I fail to blink my blank eyes
As I do not know
At what I gaze
Or, for what I look ...!
Mist envelops the earth's crust
Fog hazes my path..
All as if to help me lose my way
So that I stop my eternal search..!
The fog, the fading light..
The biting cold wind..
All conspires against me
So that, you I may not find..!


Friday, 27 November 2015

आँख की मोती

देखो कैसे संभाला हैं मैंने 
ईन मोतीयों जैसे 
आंसूँओं को 
ना पलके झपकाई मैंने 
ना गिरने दी 
तुम्हारे दिए ईन 
अनमोल तोफो को !
सागर की सीने में दफ़्न 
जैसे रहता हैं खज़ाना कोई 
वैसे ही मेरे रूह मैं छिपा 
तुम्हारा ही धुंदला सा 
परछाई कोई !
रेत की तरहा फिसलती जाये 
मुट्ठी में समाई सांसे मेरी 
अब इससे मैं कैसे संभालू 
चल दी जो वो साथ तेरी  !
सफर बोहोत लम्बी  नहीं 
न ही बड़ी लम्बी रस्ते हैं 
तुम्हारे आत्मा से 
मेरी आत्मा की दुरी 
बस एक हाथ का हैं
दो कदम तुम चलना 
चार चलूंगी मैं भी 
आँख से मोती टपकने से पहले 
गले मिलेंगे हम भी !

~मंजरी ~

Tuesday, 24 November 2015


How I long to walk 
On this path, with you
Wearing the anklets
Of fallen and dried leaves... 
Inhaling the scent of wild flowers... 
Breathing deep,  
Pampering my senses...
I wait for birds to sing.. 
I wait for the butterflies to sit...
I wait for you to..
Suddenly cover my eyes..
And ask "Who Am I" ?
I touch your fingers, smile
Say.. "You I know"..
Then together we wander
Along the forbidden path
How does it matter..
How long this evening shall last..
For I know.. I shall live
An eternity in an hour..
As I silently wait
Wait for all that is beautiful...
Are you listening ? 
Do not call me back...
If you find me lost... 
For I shall not return
If woods keep me.. 
Even if you beckon
I shalt not return.. !



নানান কথায় তোমায় সাজাতে লোভ হয় 
রোজ একটি করে কবিতা লেখার ইচ্ছে হয় 
অন্তরের জমাট ধরা নানা রং 
তোমার উষ্ণতায় গলিয়ে নিয়ে 
ছবি আঁকতে ইচ্ছে হয় 
আমার, বেঁচে থাকতে ইচ্ছে হয় !
কোনো এক চঞ্চল প্রজাপতির ডানায় চেপে 
উড়ে বেড়াতে ইচ্ছে হয়...
আমার ভালো লাগাগুলোকে গুছিয়ে রেখে 
তোমায় উপহার দিতে ইচ্ছে হয়...
আকাশের গায়ে আল্পনা এঁকে 
তোমার হাথ ধরে তা দেখবার ইচ্ছে হয়..
মেঘের ওপর দিয়ে আলতো করে 
দৌড়োতে ইচ্ছে হয়...
তুমি আমায় খুঁজে বের করবে 
সেই ভেবে হারাতে ইচ্ছে হয়...
ভালবাসার অতলে ডুবতে ইচ্ছে হয় 
আবার তোমায় নতুন করে 
পাইতে ইচ্ছে হয়...
আধো রাতে ঘুম ভাঙলে 
তোমায় দেখতে ইচ্ছে হয়...
আমার সব ইচ্ছেগুলোকে আঁকড়ে ধরে 
অমর হতে ইচ্ছে হয়...
ইচ্ছেখুশি মতো, ইচ্ছেগুলোর মালা গেঁথে 
তোমায় পরাতে ইচ্ছে হয়...
আমার রোজ একবার  করে 
বেঁচে থাকতে ইচ্ছে হয় !


In The Hills

Wide open vistas of Azure blue
Horizon beyond the eye's reach
Clouds move as they please
Wind begets the freedom
To blow as it wish...
Far away blue hills
Oblivious that it exists
Unaware of its careless beauty
As if lost in the tunes
That the brooklet hums
Pines and eucalyptus 
Some oak and jacaranda
All stand in row
As if to create an aisle
For us to stroll
Hand in hand
With many promises to keep
Timeless, eternal leap
From this life to that
Living together, 
Trying to forget
That breathes are trapped
In an hourglass
Waiting for the time to advent
And turn in again
As we continue
With yet another
Beautiful episode of life..
In the hills... come lets go to the hills...


Sunday, 22 November 2015

Note On Immortality

I am the heart in your rib-cage
I a dream in your eyes
I am your untold legend
I your fading smile..
I am the air you breathe
I the shadow you cast
I am the touch you feel
And I all, that ends and last !
I am the path beneath your feet
Am your sky of flight
Am the kite that you soar high
And your weakness and might..
Am the one you come to,
Am the one, you escape from
Am the one you want to keep
And am the one you let go... !

Am still but a part of you..
A dream a illusion fine
But you, oh how truly
Has been a me..
And all that is mine.. !
I cannot take a step
In my dreams or in real..
My world has shrunk in you
Now in my every search
I find you !

Words shall come
Words shall go
Poems shall get stale and wither
But I shall remain beyond my words
And find my after life shelter..
That I have carved my home
Within your bosom warm..
Wither, wilt, death and end
Today, matters none !

Immortality has been labeled an illusion
I care not any more
To live in thoughts and love of thee
I have crossed all ocean...
I did reach the shore !



In you, I wait for myself
In you, I search myself
All that I have lost and found
Always was trapped in yourself !

They say, way of faith is hard
I say, be like me, and feel
How faith shows way
And love breaks the seal !

I have not learnt the tricks
To hide and conceal my heart
One day, when I master the art
You, will surely find me apart!


Saturday, 21 November 2015


One sip then another
And again yet another
Sip after sip, as I take
And throw myself
Out of my senses
I find myself in you..
Deep within the night's pulse
When all gets submerged
From there I appear
Mirroring in your
Awakened heart ...
Tight grip of life's fist
I move not, nor do I try..
Slowly I sink and melt
In you... In your eye...!
I do not know.. how time moves
Nor do I find myself..
At the dead of night
When I search for me
I find me in your soul..
Sleeping secured and tight !
I make no noise..
Tiptoe I walk...
As it might wake us both...
But from illusion to real
The day arrives...
All vanishes..
Along all... I and you...
Nothing remains... nothing was
We are but two shadows
Of our own souls
Sometimes alive, sometimes dead
Yet... there.. in partial and whole..
Ask not what I say in silence
Decipher not my words
Know that... I am still alive
Because, even today, I love !

तुम हो , मैं हु और हमारी आसमान हो

चलो छोड़ दे यह दुनिया 
किसीको भी नहीं बतलाएं 
हम चुपचाप चले जाये 
वहा, जहा धरती ख़त्म होती हो 
और स्वर्ग  जहा से होती हो शुरू !

किसी नील पहाड़ी की चोटी पर 
छोटी सी एक घर हो 
जहा तक आँख फैले 
बस फूलों की बहार हो 
तुम हो , मैं हु 
और हमारी आसमान हो !
आँगन में एक झूला हो 
उसमें झूले सपने हमारे 
बरसात हो जब भी 
छत्री , बस एक ही हो 
सर्दी हो… बर्फ हो 
जमी हुई ख्वाइशें हो 
तुम हो , मैं हु 
और हमारी आसमान हो !
निचे उतरु , तो जंगल मिले 
पाइन की ख़ुश्बू हो 
मेरी अरमानों  को सीने में लिए 
पंख फैलाती बदल हो 
तुम हो , मैं हु 
और हमारी आसमान हो !
देर तक रातों को 
तारो की  महफ़िल हो 
चाँद खिले , खिरकी पर 
जहा तुम खड़े हो 
तुम हो , मैं हु 
और हमारी आसमान हो !

~मंजरी ~ 

Friday, 20 November 2015

Four Liners !

So fragile is this wall
Between body and soul
That you touch one
Other gets console !

I am but a necklace of pearl
You my string of binding
If you are broken
I lose all my finding !

I live on the world's end
You, where the world begin
I shall walk distance half
You other half, perhaps to meet again !

I shall wait in my pace own
You shall take your time
Eternal be our waits of love
Removing our soul's grime !

Tell me not the memories died
Fake me not with your silence
Deep within the your heart's core
Find me, smiling in vigilance !


In Picture


Come lets be idle today
Do no work
Follow no routine
Take the car out
Drive aimlessly
Onto the open roads
As if we have paid the tax
Only to relax
On our route-less drive
Just to get lost..
In each other !

Come let us be idle today
Sit somewhere
At the world's end
No, not holding hand
But only gazing
Reminding each other
Yes, we do matter
Still to us both
And drowned in silence
Let our words die
Remain though, only you and I !

Come let us be idle today
In the heart of this noon
Search for the moon
Laugh, at our folly own
Live, long enough to feel
The drowsy noon's pulse
In our veins, and smile
For no reason.. you and me
Together, yet lonely
Search each other
As if we are lost !

Come lets be idle today
As the evening deepens
And our senses restored
A little in music
More in our wine
Life, urges to remain 
Stars wishes to shine
We, inhale each other
Night settles in our pulses
As we become, from two to one
And, then we sleep, in each other's soul



Thursday, 19 November 2015

My Eyes

When you went away, 
That evening
Disappeared into 
The thick mist
Leaving my bare eyes, 
A bit moist..
My eyes, even today 
Are wide open
As if searching you, 
Before their lids shut..
What am I to say , 
How to console them ?
My poor eyes... 
Bereft of you..
Almost frozen !
They dream no more, 
Day or night..
They glance no more 
Towards the starry sky
Oh my eyes... 
Poor eyes... 
They are gone
Before me... 
They have gone stray ... 
They have lost themselves
Before I have lost I !


Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Words That Are Lost

Some words of mine
Are lost somewhere
Under the pile 
Of sand..
Waiting for a tide's advent !

Some words of mine
Are graved in ice
On the mountain top
Waiting patiently 
For an avalanche !

Some words of mine
Got buried on ocean's heart
Deep, deep within the blue
Waiting for a tsunami
And perhaps for you !


On Chennai Floods

Cold hands of miserable death
Strikes on bubbling life..
If breathing be so temporary
Why we bent on strife ?

Lifeless bodies water soaked
Dismal evening rolls by
Why does death get its share..
While life ends before time, why ?

Why has nature fumed in fury 
Why water kills, if it is life ?
Why does a mother's boy
Never return from endless drive ?

Why my city's face be written with
 Melancholy, somber and pangs of pain
Why did I ever get to see misery
Which I can never forget again .. !

Life is so precious a gift
Though sometimes ends unwrapped
He who read this cheerless poem
Know I had felt for each one, distressed !


Saturday, 14 November 2015

In Love We

Not very far off, nor close by
That I  find you each day
See you with my heart's eye ! 
Beyond the peripheries of
Distance and time, you shall
Remain, always truly mine !
Dark grows the night, 
Dim gets the soul's light
Yet I find you shining, bright !
Thousands of miles across the globe
Far from my eyes's reach
I know you are there, you still exist ! 
Search for yourself, if you are lost
Hunt for yourself in me
Know that you cannot exist, apart from me !
Return to your sweet abode
Doors still wide open
Die once for love's sake, let love happen !
As a wave fall on another wave
And marches together towards the shore
Let me be you, or else allow me to be no more ! 
Life shall be, life goes on
Who cares for what it has in store 
Let it flourish us with  many breaths, 
And allow  us  to love more ! 
Let moon be out goblet tonight
Let us drink all the wine
Promise for once, even if untrue
Whisper to each other
"You are mine".
Tomorrow is far off
It has to pass  all the night  to see
Come let us hold each other
And halt the night, and in love, just be,we !

  • ~Manjuri~

Friday, 13 November 2015


My wine does not intoxicate me anymore
It does not flow in my vein..
I have forgotten to leave my senses
I have forgotten to be in love, again !

My late night madness have calmed down,
I have found my generated self
I still blush recollecting
How insane I had made myself !

I thought the world was mine
I assumed my love in drunken state..
Now to realize the truth, and be me..
In senses out, is a complete bliss !

Curse me no more, for my madness..
Hold me no more in your heart..
I am happily moving away..
Gleefully I am seeking path apart !  

No more remains the vows of love..
No more does my heart longs thee..
What a joy it is, realizing ... 
Within you, the place of me !

Love shall not cease, 
Nor my heart stop to beat..
Its only that now I shall be me..
Outside you, and grow complete !

My longings shall find vent...
Someday far away, beyond the night sky..
I shall come to meet thee, in a gown black..
And in you, shall I submerge all that is me and I ..

My words shall freeze then..
Frozen shall be I ..
A while shall I live in you..
And then bid you my final goodbye !

Moist not your eyes my love..
Let no pain linger within...
I was yours.. and shall be..
But never to meet again !

If one-day  you shun your ego..
And solely remember me with love..
You shall know, I had loved..
With all that I had and have !

Time shall flow by, age shall haunt..
Some years down the lane..
I shall then be remembered by you 
But, never shall you find be again !

Love, shall rest in peace..
It shall sleep within me..
In it I shall preserve you...
In me, you shall always be !
