Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Nameless !

Enchanted wind calls out a name of mystery..
Chanting in my ears.. a name..
A known name, of an unknown soul..
Can we name a soul ?
A name.. 
An identity.. 
Why did they name you ?
Unnamed I would love you better..
When darkness swells up..
And night's chest fall silent..
Luminous gems glitters..
Moon an ivory ball..
I call out a name..
Name ?
What is it ?
You have no name..
No name, you are to me...
Echo... echo... echo..
An echo come and go..
Is that your name ?
Morning dew kisses the earth..
From the passion, blooms a flower..
Name ? Does it have any.. ?
Wild.. in the moss.. it grows..
Nameless beauty..
I hate names..
They are called out by all...
I want you without one..
Remove the veil, from my eyes..
Drink up my salted tears..
Come away from all those names..
Dwell far from your fears !
You are free now..
Now can you fly..
Nameless love you are..
You are the open sky !
Nameless... nameless.. nameless...
Nameless let it be...
Name limits your spirit, in my soul..
Let you be my nameless inner beauty !


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