Friday, 24 October 2014

In Search Of Myself !

Am leaving in search of myself,
Alone I shall walk..
If I find myself, I shall be back..
Or, I shall never again, return !

I will continue, to walk by the shore,
In search of none but me,
I shall find myself someday..
By fully losing myself, maybe !

I shall solve my mystery own..
And remove my own soul's veil..
Now in search of me let me go..
If I return, I shall tell you my tale..!

I shall die within, many a times,
And, this death shall on me shine,
And I shall rise from my ashes own,
And if I find myself, I shall again be thine !


Friday, 17 October 2014

Being Myself !

Sweet is the intoxication..
That flows from my eyes..
And I get drowned ..
In my tears own...
Sweet is the intoxication..
Which numbs my veins..
And I get frozen..
Within myself..
Sweet is the intoxication..
Which echoes in the air..
Like some late night music..
The sound of a mouth-organ..
Sweet is the intoxication..
That keeps me hidden..
From my own eyes..
Only to be sought by you..
Sweet is the intoxication..
Which gives me a lease of life..
Each night.. when I thought..
I was no more alive..
Sweet is the intoxication..
When I leave all..
To be with you..
And never come back..

Sweeter is the heaven, in which I dwell..
In peace, in love, and in utmost joy of being myself !!


Thursday, 9 October 2014

My Love, Do Come !

Oh love, fill my senses up..
Fill to the brim..
Nothing more I long for..
But your touch..
In my dream..
Come slowly.. tip-toeing
Come to my heart..
I have never left you..
Love, its you...
You ... who moved apart..
Come tonight..
Am alone in my garden..
Bring me no flower..
Sensing your arrival
Blooms graced my bower...
Come love...
Come alone...
Bring none with you
Am alone only with myself
So be you !
Am drunk as the moon above..
Am shining bright too
Some say its my inner glow..
Only I know its my love
Shining for you !


আজও তোমাকেই খুঁজতে !

তোমারে লয়ে চলিনু একা,
আমি তোমার লাবন্য,
সাগরে দিনু পাড়ি
 পেরিয়ে মরু অরণ্য !
এসো হে আমিত রায়
এসো, এই বালি আজ তপ্ত ,
আমার শীরায় বইছে দেখো
তোমারই নাড়ির রক্ত !
এই ঝর্ণা, এই পাইন,
এই রডোডেনড্রন এর ভাগ্যে,
আজও লেখা রয়েছে জেনো
আমারই মত, তোমাকেই খুঁজতে !
~ মঞ্জরী ~