Monday, 8 July 2013

All In Vague

A kind of vague longing,
That escapes with each sigh of soul,
A suppressed wail, that demands outbreak,
And you well up, in my memoirs, in my thoughts,
And my dream all..

An ardor tucked in heart's core,
Seeks some freedom but for a while,
I walk a mile alone, in the paved path of life,
As if my hands are held by you, and my lips,
Adorn your smile..

Song of love, tuned in youth, unheard by any though,
Now dances in the blades of grass, in morning dew..
Reverberating, echoing, across the memory lane..
Fluttering away in joy, on that deserted path, 
Visited by very few..

Scintillating stars, waves of sea, million grains of sand,
A moon, a sun, and all that are sworn in to promise love..
All shall perish, all shall end, all shall sleep in the tomb of time..
But my wait, my vague emotions, and me shall forever soar,
Like that white dove...


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