Thursday, 14 February 2013

Valentine's Note !

Softly when all feelings settle within, and,
Some reminiscence of my own pain reflects,
I turn my eyes towards the sky, and ,
All oblivion , all forgotten, again recollects !

Unspoken words lingers within silence,
Unexpressed feelings grips me,
Your pain, echoed within me today,
And I knew, you were never meant for me !

A numbness, an inertia grips my soul,
Thousand feelings just got frozen !
Oh how beautiful are love's facets,
In love, within love, all happily happen !

The droplets fell on my palm own,
As the swollen capsules gives up,
And, from my flowing eyes I know,
Love allows no holding back,..

For In Love :

Its only giving all and giving up !


  1. Pain sans love is love, not at all...
    with time, color,shape change...the sweetness rests in the corners of our mouths.

    "Love allows no holding back", true..

    “Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.”
    ― Rumi

    The physicality of the emotion dilutes in a strange progress of becoming who we are. radient, wordweaver, dreamweaver we become.

    loved your poetry...
