Thursday, 14 February 2013

Valentine's Note !

Softly when all feelings settle within, and,
Some reminiscence of my own pain reflects,
I turn my eyes towards the sky, and ,
All oblivion , all forgotten, again recollects !

Unspoken words lingers within silence,
Unexpressed feelings grips me,
Your pain, echoed within me today,
And I knew, you were never meant for me !

A numbness, an inertia grips my soul,
Thousand feelings just got frozen !
Oh how beautiful are love's facets,
In love, within love, all happily happen !

The droplets fell on my palm own,
As the swollen capsules gives up,
And, from my flowing eyes I know,
Love allows no holding back,..

For In Love :

Its only giving all and giving up !