Sunday, 16 September 2012

In Cognizant !

A kind of feeling, deep within,
Longing it is not, I very well know,
As I sit alone, in the life's shore,
And witness them, come and go!

A silence blankets my entire self,
Nothing exists, for nothing I can see,
Paralyzed thoughts, numb desires,
Neither pain nor happiness grips me !

Your presence ablaze's my heart's core,
Your absence does not bring pain anymore,
For with better senses I did realize, that,
None gets more than, what is destined for !

Enlightenment that follows is :~

Sun rises, sets too, moon shines everyday but one,
Stars shines, clouds float, waves takes their turn,
My window wide open, both of room and heart,
Now in solitude, I am cognizant, we meet only to part !!

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