Friday 26 May 2017


Poetry Of Fond Remembrance!

Beneath the rubbles of fragmented thoughts
A faint trace of you, shall forever remain
And I shall recycle my memories each day
To find you, within me, over and over again !

Words that remain untold, moments unshared
I shall at times paint them in thousand hue
And sometimes compose a solitary poem
And keep them all preserved, only for you !

If solitude leaves a waning smile 
On your lips, on some fading evening 
Just know, far somewhere, beyond the stars
It's you, only of you, that I have been thinking !


Friday 27 January 2017

My Moon My Sky

My heart is the sky
You a distant moon
Sometimes waxing towards fullness
Sometimes waning towards darkness
Yes.. a moon you are
Floating in my unlimited space
Growning to fade
Fading to grow
An enigma.. a deep mystery
A secret my soul has sealed
Never to be revealed
To be graved in my tomb
Along with me
Only my epitaph shall read
A few rhyming words
An unfinished poetry
Where my moon shall seek
Cover of dark clouds
And get dissolved in me..


Tuesday 10 January 2017

A Fiction

Beneath the layers of 
Untold words..
Under the debris of
Crumbled memories..
Somewhere within
You live..

You live, for the entire night..
In the absence of outer light..
Illuminated by your own glow
From you to me.. passion flow
Living together, with hues many
Transience if at all pain any..
Dreams lived in a pair of eyes..
Then, slowly night flies..
Day come in bosomed in tarnished ribs..
Gone is the night.. so leaves the dreams..
Light, light and light spread..
Leaving me and you dead..
Again a night shall choose to remain..
Into our goblets of sparkling wine..
Again we shall take our sips..
Locking our trembling lips..
Each night we live beyond..
Until day chooses to bring the end..
To us both, and our wonderful delight
And again, we wait, to live at night !


Monday 24 October 2016

শেষ আলিঙ্গন

সেদিন আকাশ মেঘাছন্ন...
গুড়িগুড়ি বৃষ্টি
জালনার কাঁচে 
আঁকলো ভালোবাসার 
পদচিহ্ন ...
আমি তখনো 
এক দৃষ্টে 
বাইরে তাঁকিয়ে 
তুমি গাড়ি হাঁকিয়ে 
এসে দাঁড়ালে 
আমার হাজার স্বপ্নের 
গা বেয়ে ...
দরজায় কড়া পড়লো 
ছুটে গিয়ে খুললুম 
ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়লুম 
তোমার বক্ষে 
তোমার বাহুর বাঁধনে 
ধরা দিলেম ....
চোখের জল 
মিশে গেলো 
আকাশের জলের মাঝে 
দিন এর মাঝে হারালো 
না যানি কত রাত 
রাতে হারালো 
হাজার দিন
অন্তহীন ....
কেটে গেলো 
না জানি কত বছর 
সেই বৃষ্টির গন্ধ 
মুছে যায়নি ...
থেমে যায়নি 
আমার হৃদপিন্ডে 
আটকে থাকা 
তোমার স্পন্ধন ...
জানি না কি ভাবে 
বেঁচে আছে আজো 
আমার মাঝে 
তোমার আলিঙ্গন 
তোমার শেষ আলিঙ্গন ....


Tuesday 27 September 2016

Celebrate Again

Come let us celebrate again
The essence of our own being
The glare of our hearts
Come, for a while, let us be
Together again..
Somewhere far off, beyond the hills
Or across the deep blue ocean
Or maybe, where woods are thickest
We sit together, hidden
Let us be, together again..
Let time stop breathing
And wind freezes like us
Let there be complete stillness
Movement, whatever, let it be
Only, of our beating hearts..
Let the wine be poured again
And the stars raise a toast
Let us both be each other's guest
Let us be each other's host..
Let us rewrite our tales
On the sand of the coast
Let us carve our desires
That the mountains can boast
Of our writing on its snowy terrains..
And let us whisper our wishes
On the ears of the windy plains..
Come, let us fall in love again..
So deep that love should be..
That in it we both get lost..
Never to be found again..


Thursday 15 September 2016

Uncelebrated Love

You and I,
In constant conflict
Yet in perfect harmony..
Not sure of that
Soul burning love, anymore
Nor is it completely uncared for..
Still locked in heart's dark chamber
Somethings that we forget to remember
Feelings that are now out of range
We, in a process of everyday change..
Gently when the wind lay its kiss
And ask us, 'Do you not remember this'?
Answers we, have none to spare
Blankly as we sit and stare 
Wondering, what has to us, fate served
More or less than we really deserved..
Traces remain of what is gone
Neither are we together, nor alone
Flee, flee, flee.. let us flee
I from you, you from me
What a worthless ego mind holds
Heart's eyes it blindfolds
Uncherished, uncelebrated love within
Neither alive, nor dead, and still breathing..
