Come let us celebrate again
The essence of our own being
The glare of our hearts
Come, for a while, let us be
Together again..
Somewhere far off, beyond the hills
Or across the deep blue ocean
Or maybe, where woods are thickest
We sit together, hidden
Let us be, together again..
Let time stop breathing
And wind freezes like us
Let there be complete stillness
Movement, whatever, let it be
Only, of our beating hearts..
Let the wine be poured again
And the stars raise a toast
Let us both be each other's guest
Let us be each other's host..
Let us rewrite our tales
On the sand of the coast
Let us carve our desires
That the mountains can boast
Of our writing on its snowy terrains..
And let us whisper our wishes
On the ears of the windy plains..
Come, let us fall in love again..
So deep that love should be..
That in it we both get lost..
Never to be found again..