Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Low Tide

Being in pain, alone somewhere
Beyond the touch of love
Drinking the bitter medicine
Staring blankly at the sky above..

Searching for remedy everywhere
Not knowing its within
Slowly surfing in tranquility
No difference between patient and physician..

The cup that holds my healing drug
Carved with love by an unknown potter
Now give me honey or poison be it
Give all that makes me feel better..


Monday, 28 March 2016

Evening Poetry

Evening appears like a poetry
But this poem is not of word
Diffused light hums a tune
A symphony I have heard..

Purple blooms stretches arm
To touch the soul of the sky
I a silent witness, each day
As the sun decides to set by..

Unfurling the the love filled heart
Evening stares at the blooms for a while
Entire sphere dances in joy
And the poet in me sits and smile !


Saturday, 26 March 2016

অপেক্ষায় রইলাম

সেদিনের সোনালী বিকেল 
আকাশজুড়ে হাজার স্মিতির আনাগোনা
স্বপ্নে জড়ানো দুচোখ 
চোখের পলকে 
বারবার দেখা 
একি একি কথা বলা 
বাতাসের গায়ে লিখে দেওয়া 
এখনো ভালবাসি 
তোমায় এখনো ভালবাসি 
পড়ন্ত বেলায় 
যখন বুকের পাজর বেয়ে 
আবার কোন এক দিন  ঝড় উঠবে 
তোলপাড় করে দেবে 
অন্তরের শান্ত আকাশ 
সেদিন তুমিও একবার এসে 
চুপিচুপি আমায় বলে  যেও 
আজো তুমি আগের মতনই 
ভালবাস কি না...
সমস্ত প্রাণ জুড়ে অপেক্ষা 
আমার আর আমার ওই রং মাখা আকাশের 
ভালবাসি , তাই বলে গেলাম 
তুমি যদি বাসো আজও 
বলে যেও 
আমি আর আমার আকাশ 
অপেক্ষায় রইলাম 


Day, Gone

And as the evening comes in,
Another day is gone..
Leaving me with its 
Myriad colourful tones..
Heart surfed the memories
Soul felt its charms..
That I drifted in and out
From you invisible arms..
Your face surface
Even in my open eyes..
I smiled all day..
As if am in Paradise..
I have crossed the hurdles
Of yet another day..
Painting a rainbow..
From colours, far away..
It's a prelude to 
Night's eve
Now let the darkness set in
Wrapping me love's weave !


Friday, 25 March 2016

I Want To Fall Asleep

On me your eyes you keep
I today want to fall asleep..


Open your arms, and I lean in delight
Now let all pass, remain only this night..
Pull the curtains, close the sky
Set all still, only let breaths pass by..
Allow your love to leave its trace
Upon my pale, fragile face..
Run your fingers, through my hair
Let me feel, you are there..
Wave of joy let me be
Dancing inside your soul's sea ..
Let us get swept off by a tide..
Let us live, before our hearts died..
Give me yourself, the one I knew
Take me completely to you..


On me your eyes you keep
I today want to fall asleep..


Thursday, 24 March 2016

Two Metaphors

Why do you call me ?
For I am nowhere
I do not exist..
Am a wait
An eternal wait, you are too..
An unknown I am, yet 
Intensely known by your heart
Forever close
Forever apart
You know me in your sighs and pain
To be remembered again
I leave, from where I do not come
I am not what you know
You are not what I know
We, the two metaphors of my poetry
Exists only in non-existence !


Wednesday, 23 March 2016


The touch of your breath 
A warmth in my neck
Bare skin shrinks..
My soul responds
To your love..

Your fragrance lingers on
Long after you left
As I smell deep..
My soul responds
To your love..

Your fingers, locked in mine
Still the touch remains
My bones feel..
My soul responds
To your love..

My tangled hair, in your shoulder
Your eyes smile at me
My pulse sink..
My soul responds
To your love..

Hundreds of words, exchanged
Deepest silence shared
My voice lost..
My soul responds
To you love..

One tune hummed, one poem recited
Symphony tunes in
Evenings light up..
My soul responds
To your love..

From two to one, that we become
When star shines the brightest
Moon full allure.. 
My soul responds
To your love..


Friday, 18 March 2016

My Words..

My words like the fallen leaves
Of the autumn , flies in the wind
Do they reach you ?

My vagabond, meaningless words
Uprooted from my tattered soul
Do you feel them ?

My words, arranged in verses..
Like a field of green crops, waits
Do you harvest them ?

My words, sometimes drenched with life
Many a times dull, dejected and lifeless 
Will you give them midas touch ?

My words that are no more mine
My words that often flow in silence
Will you own them forever ?


Tuesday, 15 March 2016


Wherever I go
No matter when
I carry you within ;
I tie you to the whistling wind
You become music to my ears..
I float you on the roaring waves
And surf your heart..
I lay you on the wet sand
And feel you beneath my feet
I spread you in the breeze of sea
And inhale you in me
I plant you in my blooming garden
And love the bud that's tender
I afloat you in my sky's soul
And then love all the clouds that gather..
I pour you in my morning cup
And drink you in my coffee
Evening's toast I raise in you
And get drunk in a jiffy..
You a drop of dew, in my bed of morning grass
Staring at me with dazzling smile, as I take my walk..
You have become so much of me, that now I am no more me..
I live, and love, only to become thee..
I have become thee..
Did you, by any chance become me ?


A Morning Extravaganza

Sitting alone on the wet sand
As I behold the mystery
Of the unfolding colours..
I remember you
How beautiful are my moments
Of complete solitude
When I have nothing but
Some beautiful minutes
With myself, and 
A very distant you...!
I gaze on..
Light spreads over my bare soul
Does that light awaken you... ?
Sitting alone I wonder..
How adaptable these waves are
They accept all that is given..
The shape of the sea..
Hues of the sky..
Then they rise, and fall
On my trembling feet..
Washing me of myself
My senses numb, eyes dazzle 
I sit and sit..
Till the whole sun is out
And scorches my skin
From light to heat..
I return to myself..
After travelling miles..
In few flamboyant moments
Of a morning extravaganza..


Monday, 14 March 2016

In Search Of Illusion

Will you once plunge into the roads unknown
Oblivious of the existing world
Leaving behind all you seek
Holding only my bare hand
Will you tread this road once..
Once with me ?
Crossing the cave of trees, we shall pass, 
The peeping blue sky
Leaving behind all the questions
That asks, 'where to and why ..'
For we know not the answers
Nor want to...
We hit the roads, only to misplace ourselves
Not to find anything
But to lose much..
Including these 'we' and 'us'
Where time ceases to be
Nor does remain this 'we'
No I no you... but only we two
Leave hand in hand
In search of an eternal illusion !


মরীচিকা অন্নেষণে...

কোনো একদিন , কোনো এক খোলা রাস্তা ধরে 
তুমি দেবে কি পাড়ি, আমার সাথে ?
সমস্ত পৃথিবী কে পিছনে ফেলে রেখে 
যাবে তুমি আমার সাথে ?
গাছের গুহার ভেতর দিয়ে, নীল আকাশের ফাঁক দিয়ে 
একবার যাবে তুমি, আমার সাথে ?
গাড়ি হাঁকিয়ে, গানের গুনগুন সুরে মন ভুলিয়ে 
একবার নামবে রাস্তায়, তুমি আমার সাথে ?
অজানা পথের টানে, চেনা পথিকের হাথ ধরে 
তুমি চলবে কি কিছুটা পথ, আমার সাথে ?
এই পথ যদি হারিয়ে যায়, অনেক পথের ভিড়ে 
আরো একটি পথ, তুমি খুজবে কি আমার সাথে ?
কিছু মিলবে কি না জানি না, পথ এ পথ পাব কি না জানি না 
তবুও একবার 'মরীচিকা অন্নেষণে', তুমি যাবে কি আমার সাথে ?

~ মঞ্জরী ~

Friday, 11 March 2016

অলস দিন

সারাদিন কেন যে করি নাই কোনো কাজ 
আমার এই অলস দিনের হিসেব 
তুমি নেবে কি জেনে আজ ?

কতবার যে তাকিয়েছি, ওই জানালার বাইরে 
কতবার যে মেরেছি উঁকি 
মনের জানালার ভেতরে..

কত কাজের ভিড়ে তুমি , ব্যস্ত দিন কাটাও 
আমার সময় থমকে গেছে 
জমা কাজের পাতায় ...

কতবার যে কতভাবে, নীরব স্বরে ডাকি 
অজস্র শব্দের ভীড়ে 
চাপা পড়ে থাকি ..

দিনের শেষের শেষ আলোতে, সন্ধ্যা যখন নামে 
চোখের কোণে তখন যেন 
ঝাপসা রাত জাগে ...

স্তব্ধ রাতের নীরব ক্ষণে, যখন একা জাগি 
লক্ষ তারার ভিড়ের মাঝে 
তোমায় কেন খুজি ?

কাজের ফাঁকে, কাজের মাঝে, টুকরো সময় পেলে 
তোমার সাথে উড়বে বলে 
হৃদয় পাখা মেলে ...

অলস ভরা দিনের শেষে, যখন স্বপ্নের ঘোর কাটে 
তখন বুঝি আমি সেই আছি 
তুমি গেছ পাল্টে ..

আবার যখন আজটি আমার , কাল যাবে হয়ে 
আবার নুতুন করে, পুরানো কথা 
যাব তোমায় বলে ...

শত কথার মাঝে সেই নীরব হয়ে চলা 
আর, তোমার কাজে, আমার অকাজে 
বারবার, 'ভালোবাসতো' ? বলা ...

একদিন যখন সব সাঙ্গ হবে, খেলা হবে শেষ 
আমার অলস দিনের হিসেব তুমি 
জানতে পাবে, কিন্তু তখন আমি, হয়ত নিরুদেশ ...

~ মঞ্জরী ~

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Our Morning

That morning when the sun melted
Into the river's heart
And I stood and watch
Clutching my hand..
In an intend..
To defrost my frozen soul
And dissolve in you..
So that none can find
None know..
Where I am concealed..
And then with that sun
We too burn..
We get lost
Never to return..
We both ferry the boat of life..
Breath trapped in breath
Words lost in the womb of silence..
We both live.. in this picture frame..
From today, all our next mornings !


Wednesday, 9 March 2016


Secretly love flourishes 
In the sky's heart
Sun too fell in love
So blushed once
Before going apart..
Branches veil the 
Auburn fire ball
As it kisses the sky's lips
Says' "My going is much an illusion
So is my staying..
I come and go, my dear sky
But I never left you for once..
The darkness that you plunge into, 
Is but to make you aware of my absence
When Am gone..!
The light that you shine with
When I smile in your expanse
Is to remind you dear sky..
I have no other place to burn "..
Sky smiles, hears all, and then says to the sun..
"Play no more hide and seek
Play no more with my heart
For if I vanish for once dear sun
You shall fall into the ocean
And then how shall you burn ?
So go not, come not, each day
Remain where you are... "
But before the sky could say it all
Sun vanished... only remained a few cold star...
Branches laugh like each day
For each day they hear the same tale..
Some love never erases
Their's tale too is immortal
Like the sun, the sky
They too are eternal.. !


Friday, 4 March 2016

Early Evening Reviere

I a dream in your open eyes
You a reverie in my closed lids
I your glass of fine french wine
You my aqua plain, I drink to survive...
I your porcelain ashtray, used now and then
You my locket of faith, tied to me invain..
I your wants and needs, I come and go
You my soul's compass, which I follow
I your siesta of pleasure, opium of joy
You my heart's realm, none can destroy 
I a thousand words falling on your ears
You my silence divine, solitude I revere
I your seasonal bloom, I come and go
You my evergreen pine, I never forgo
I a transient shadow, I a dream, I your interim blithe 
You my constant feel, a bona fide, my enduring mirth !
