Secretly love flourishes
In the sky's heart
Sun too fell in love
So blushed once
Before going apart..
Branches veil the
Auburn fire ball
As it kisses the sky's lips
Says' "My going is much an illusion
So is my staying..
I come and go, my dear sky
But I never left you for once..
The darkness that you plunge into,
Is but to make you aware of my absence
When Am gone..!
The light that you shine with
When I smile in your expanse
Is to remind you dear sky..
I have no other place to burn "..
Sky smiles, hears all, and then says to the sun..
"Play no more hide and seek
Play no more with my heart
For if I vanish for once dear sun
You shall fall into the ocean
And then how shall you burn ?
So go not, come not, each day
Remain where you are... "
But before the sky could say it all
Sun vanished... only remained a few cold star...
Branches laugh like each day
For each day they hear the same tale..
Some love never erases
Their's tale too is immortal
Like the sun, the sky
They too are eternal.. !