Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Beautiful Night

Some nights are beautiful..
They almost drown you
In your own memories..
From past to present..
From silence to words..
Joy flows down the veins
Some nights are beautiful..
Time pauses to breathe
Pulses synchronize ..
Heart beats together..
Two souls, live together..
Diverse they are..
Like the notes of music..
But absolutely in harmony
They are, together
Like a symphony..
Eyes closes... night ends...
Morning washes off the dream..
Yet that which remains
Residue of few words..
Fall like crumbs..
Waiting to be gathered again..
Waiting again, for another night..
Some nights are truly beautiful..


Saturday, 19 December 2015

Lost Senses

Sip after sip
My pulse slip
Away from me..
Slowly I move 
From out to in
My own-self..
Only to reveal
My emptiness
To myself.. !
Sparking wine
Hijacks me
From myself
And places me
Far away
Near you ..
Distance erases
And within
Closed eyelids
My love
Breathes ..
But for moments
Till I regain
My lost senses !


Friday, 18 December 2015


A soft kiss 
On my trembling lips
That you planted once
Had sunk into my skin
Reached the soul..
It is still living there..!
I often dig it out..
Brush it with my palm..
And again keep it within..
That soft kiss..
Flutters its wings 
Like a restless butterfly..
Wants to reach you..
And plant itself 
On your lips..
Your kiss, wants to return
To you..
Come, and collect it..
I kept it safe... 
Deep within my soul!


Thursday, 17 December 2015

Existing, Yet Existing Not !

Rising sun, melts into the sea
Scarlet turns the water expanse
As if, almost, blushing like me !
I tread alone upon the morning shore
Sand wrapped around my bare feet
A world that I had kept hidden
Far away, now wants to unveil
My world moves towards you
My world instigates !
Beyond the crimson horizon
Somewhere in the end of this extent
A piece of sun begs to rise
But has lost its hue in the foggy element.. !
I keep on waking, towards the sea..
Waves rushes in... one falls upon me
And washes me of my everything ...
I no more remain a I..
My heart too is astray..
Now that I walk back, 
From nowhere to nowhere
I feel.. life's debt I got to repay !
So I send you a picture..
A far off earth enveloped in gold..
My soul's casket empty to the core..
Nothing it is that I hold !
Empty I went, emptier I rebound
Nothing lost... nothing found...
Shore gave me sand... 
Waves washed them off..
I, but, like my love.. 
Existing, yet existing not !



I need your soul
To cling into my body
And fill me with life..

I need your eyes
On my cold face
To see the sun shine..

I need your touch
On my bare skin
To keep me alive..

I need your words
To be poured in my ears
And fill me with music..

I need you, to be me
And your breaths I need
To continue with life !


Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Winter Evening

Winter evening darkens
Behind my closed window..
My words translates my silence
The day that I have left behind
Doing nothing, idle... almost gone
Shall be kept archived in my heart..
A day.. immersed in thoughts
A day.. that I loved you without reason..
That shall remain, day shall end..
Yet night shall have its own advent 
And in the darkness, I shall wait
For your voice.. to give a call..
And then together, we shall
Save the glory of the gone day
And hold together, this passionate night !


Monday, 14 December 2015

Love Story

Tireless waves lashes the shore
Breaks only to again restore
Neither the tide gives up
Nor does the sea
Endless efforts of
An eternal love-story !
