Thursday, 13 March 2014

Discovery !

I have caged myself,
In my own soul..
I have built a prison..
Locked up my emotion..
I have stoned my heart..
Nothing reaches me..
When you are apart..
I have numbed my senses..
And frozen my smile..
Even if I come back..
But for a while..
The call of unknown..
Will take me back..
I have nothing left..
Nothing to give or take..
Am empty as the sky..
As beneath it I lie..
Alone with the stars..
With thought that ,
Begets smile..
But for a while..
I did come..
Only to go..
With no promise ..
To be back..
Only some memories..
Carried on my backpack !
Journey begins..
Endless one..
If I reach, you shall know..
Or else, when remembrance..
Haunts you strong..
Do come along..
To find me you too got to leave..
What I left, in the loop of time..
To find me, get lost for once..
To get lost, do find me once !


Friday, 7 March 2014

Your Woman !

Your touch had once,
Made a woman out of me..

I realized, I was beautiful..
By the looks in your eyes...
I realized I was loved..
By the hidden smile..
That your lips flaunted ..

My senses alert..
My heart throbbed in you..
My tears made your eyes..
Appear like a high tide ocean..

Oh ! What a pleasure it had been..
To be your woman !
